Some choose to stay single until they find their soulmate. Since trusting is a problem for them, many stay single and lonely by choice. They can leave you for dead without looking back if you break their trust. Venus in Scorpio never feels guilty because they believe you deserve any pain they inflict on you. After that, reconciliation will never be possible because they never forgive. You may not even guess that anything is wrong, but make no mistake, if you have crossed their line, they are planning revenge. They do not blow up like the fire signs rather, they silently premeditate their vengeance. They are capable of cold-hearted, bloody vengeance if you cross their invisible, psychological line.

Venus in Scorpio is capable of hating you with the same level of passion as they once loved. They feel in extremes: they either love you deeply or hate you deeply, never anything in the middle. They have compulsive desires when it comes to love. As a positive outlet, they may have an appreciation for Gothic art. Some may literally have a fetish for pain or death they can be masochists, sadists, suicidal, and/or antisocial. Venus in Scorpio’s love-life will always be scarred with a touch of pain or death. Another obstacle to intimacy is the fact that they are extremely secretive. They are always in psychological control, which hinders emotional connections even though as water signs they crave an emotional connection. Scorpio lovers are suspicious, jealous, and manipulative but will never admit it. Many potential partners are turned off by such a heavy type of love. Scorpio love is not lighthearted, nor playful, but rather heavy and serious. The planet Venus is considered to be “in detriment” when in the sign of Scorpio this makes love and pleasure difficult. However, they will cheat on you without flinching if you are not “the one.” They want to love only one person their whole life. This makes Venus in Scorpio probably the most faithful sign. Venus in Scorpio lovers are not attracted to flirting or casual hookups. Unlike the fixed Taurus lovers, Scorpio is not tempted by pleasure because Scorpio doesn’t mind a little pain. They can wait a lifetime for the one they want they don’t change their mind often. Scorpio is also a fixed sign they have deep reserves of willpower. Scorpio is a water sign, so they express love on an emotional level. They are extremely protective of those they love. If Venus in Scorpio loves you, they will risk anything, even their own life, for you. If you earn their trust, they are capable of deep tenderness and open intimacy.

They remain mysteriously reserved until they decide to trust you. But even if they love you, they will not open up to you easily. Scorpio’s passion is not “showy” like the fire signs Scorpio passion is a silent, deep well of never-ending commitment and loyalty. When Venus in Scorpio loves you, they focus only on you, not having eyes for anyone else. How do they do this? Venus in Scorpio lovers are intuitive and able to penetrate deep into your psyche, discovering all your secrets as they observe you. The victim, I mean the object of their affection, will not know how or why, but cannot help falling under their spell. They lure you in with their mysterious animal magnetism. Venus in Scorpio lovers don’t win your love by courting you. You may not know when a Venus in Scorpio likes you because they hide it until you surrender at their feet. These lovers long for “soulmate” bonding, the undying union of souls like that of Romeo and Juliet, or Heloise and Abelard. Only another Venus in Scorpio can match their level of intensity. People with Venus in Scorpio love so deeply and so intensely that they have a difficult time finding a partner who’s love matches their level of depth. They experience extreme, consuming feelings in love. Venus in Scorpio love is intense, loyal, passionate, deep, focused, private, dark and obsessive. Only someone with the planet Venus in Scorpio will be a “Scorpio in love.” ( Venus Sign Calculator) The first secret to know about a Scorpio in love is that it does NOT refer to a sun-sign Scorpio person.